Dr. Keith Ellis

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Keith W. Ellis, MD

Keith W. Ellis, MD is the medical director at Allure Medical Spa. Dr. Ellis is not just a medical director in name only like other medical spas, but he actively participates in the workings of the spa. He has regular office hours at the spa, and will also see clients after hours and on weekends by appointment. Dr. Ellis ensures that all the services offered at Allure adhere to the highest standards of patient safety and proven effectiveness.

Dr. Ellis made his home in Springfield after completing medical school at Texas A&M in 1997 and an Internal Medicine residency at the University of Tennessee Hospital in Knoxville in 2000. His internal medicine practice at Mercy has included both inpatient and outpatient care where he has focused on comprehensive patient wellness. In his practice he has gained valuable experience with weight loss techniques and anti-aging, and brings that expertise to Allure. In addition Dr. Ellis has both undergraduate and graduate degrees in engineering which has given him unusual insights into the highly technical areas of laser and radio frequency therapies. He has certifications in laser treatments, Botox, dermal fillers, sclerotherapy (vein treatment) and weight loss and is completing requirements for board certification is aesthetic medicine.

In his spare time Dr. Ellis loves to travel but his lifelong dream has been to build a helicopter in his garage!