Melt The Fat Off

Are you one of the many adults who have been exercising to get rid of the extra baggage you have been lugging around your midsection? Maybe you can’t seem to lose those last few stubborn pounds? You may have looked into liposuction or another body contouring treatment, but found it to be too invasive or too expensive. There is a better solution! With the advancement in new, non-invasive technology, it is now easier than ever to conquer the core with Vanquish at Allure Medical Spa.

The breakthrough Vanquish technology selectively heats stubborn cells just enough to allow for cell breakdown, transforming them into waste, which the body begins to naturally flush away and eliminate. This process provides total comfort to the patient and is ergonomically designed to insure safety and results that can be seen in days, not weeks or months. Vanquish treats the entire midsection in the least amount of treatments and the shortest amount of time.

  • No needles or anesthesia required
  • Little risk of side effects
  • Treatments can be performed in less than an hour
  • No downtime between treatments*
  • Experience results as soon as the first few sessions*


Vanquish Before


Vanquish After

*Individual Results Will Vary